Page 27 - 中建筑港集团企业内刊《筑梦SPACE》2020年第1期 总第2期
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三色光·Three Colors Three Colors·三色光
towards the era of great development, and the requirements for and praised, the company proved itself with facts and quality, 小达人”。一次,在与项目员工一同观看公司资料片时,他连连 邻”。“友谊算法”在此处早已超出其价值范畴,真正成为了两
engineering quality became more stringent. enabling the world to witness a good wharf that glows with 说:“太厉害了,看到你们努力工作的样子,我终于知道为什么 国人民友好交往的桥梁纽带。
2014年,公司印尼宾坦岛氧化铝码头项目成立之初,尚 Chinese wisdom. 中国能发展这么快!我要努力赚钱让我的孩子接受最好的教 People say it is easy to earn money, but not that easy to make
未得到试验室授权,项目总工孙振华便独自背着30公斤的钢 公司用“品质算法”成功打开印尼市场的大门,连续中标 育,去中国读大学,跟你们一样,用智慧和勤劳去建设我们的 a friend. From on-site worker, heads of local law firms and
筋试样和混凝土试块频繁往返于印尼、新加坡完成试验检测, 了印尼孔雀港码头等多个项目。2017年6月,公司在印度尼西 印尼。” accounting firms, to government representatives and strategic
125公里的行程代表着对超高品质的不懈追求。2015年,公司 亚首都雅加达注册中建筑港印尼有限公司。截止2019年底, There was a local man named Yudi who was an engineering partners, the company has made friends with all walks of life in
承建的宾坦岛氧化铝码头项目赢得了印度尼西亚副总统优素 印尼公司承接项目合同额近10亿人民币,且70%以上为水工 vehicle driver working on the Wharf Engineering Project in Indonesia. There is a beautiful poem in China“海内存知己,天
福·卡拉的认可,卡拉现场调研时对工程质量给予极高评价。 工程。 Bintan. He didn’ have high education background and had 涯若比邻” in English it means “If you have a friend afar who
In 2014, when the Project Department for Wharf Engineering “Quality Algorithm” helped the company to expand the language barrier when he just joined the project team. But knows your heart, distance cannot keep you two apart” This
Project in Bintan, Indonesia was just established, laboratory Indonesian market by winning lots of projects such as Merak he was modest and eager to learn. He worked very hard is also what “Friendship Algorithm” of the company values.
authorization had not been obtained. In order to complete Wharf Engineering. In June 2017, the local company PT Port and never complained. Had been working on the project Here, the "Friendship algorithm" had long gone beyond its value
the test detection, Mr. Sun Zhenhua, the Project Engineer, Engineering CSCEC Indonesia was successfully established. for four years, his Chinese level had improved by leaps and and truly became a bridge of friendly exchanges between the
had to carry 30kg of rebar samples and concrete test blocks By the end of 2019, the company had undertaken projects bounds with the help of the project staff, and he had become two peoples.
all by himself, going back and forth between Indonesia and worth nearly one billion yuan, more than 70% of which were proficient in driving and even maintenance of other mechanical 如果把企业比作一台计算机,那么选对“操作系统”便是
Singapore for many times. The 125-kilometer long journey hydraulic projects. equipment. He had already become a "mechanical expert" 头等重要的事。经过长期实践摸索,中建筑港形成了较为完善
represented the relentless pursuit of ultra-high quality. In 2015, integrated into the project team. Once, when he was watching 的合作、品质、友谊三大“中建算法”,有效支撑起印尼市场专
the project won the approval of Qara Yusuf - the Vice Present 友谊算法:千金易得,朋友难求 the company video with the project staff, he repeatedly said, 属版的“海外操作系统”,不仅助力公司在印尼区域市场的发
of Indonesia, who spoke highly of the project quality during his Friendship Algorithm: Friend Matters "That's amazing. Seeing how hard you work, I finally know why 展驶上全新的快车道,也为扬帆出海的国内施工企业提供了一
site visit. 一个成功的海外工程,不仅需要高标准完成工程任务,而 China has developed so fast! I will work hard to earn the best 套相对完善、行之有效的中建方案,有力推动“一带一路”倡议
2017年,印尼政府相关负责人再次来到氧化铝码头项目 且承担着深厚国家间友谊、传播中华民族优秀传统文化等责 education for my children, sending them to China for college, 发展提质升级。
部考察,当地官员现场表示:“Bagus(好!),这是我见过最 任。干好一项工程,改变一些偏见,增进一点友谊,传播一片文 and build our country with wisdom and diligence just like you." If an enterprise is compared to a computer, choosing the right
漂亮的码头。”这样高的评价让时任项目经理的孔祥波感慨 化。这正是每位中建筑港海外员工身体力行的“友谊算法”。 当地一家大型机械租赁公司的董事长John Tanuwijaya "operating system" is the top priority. After a long-term practice,
万千,因为2012年他在菲律宾某项目负责施工时,还曾有一名 To undertake an overseas project, a company should not 曾这样评价与公司的合作关系:我与中建筑港用六年时间结 the company has formed a relatively complete "CSCEC
维修工人拿着扭断的螺丝对他说:“Made in china.”从被误 only complete the project with high standard, but also take the 下了印尼缘,彼此建立了非常友好与信任的合作关系,在这个 Algorithm" of cooperation, quality and friendship, which has
解、抹黑、否认,到被认可、惊叹、称赞,中建筑港用事实与品 responsibility of deepening the friendship between countries 平台上,我们始终共同成长、合作共赢。 been effectively supporting the "International Operating
质说话,让世界“建证”了闪耀着中国智慧的好码头。 and spreading Chinese traditional culture. This is exactly what John Tanuwijaya, chairman of a large local machinery leasing System" in the Indonesian market. "CSCEC Algorithm" not only
In 2017, Indonesian government officials paid a visit to the the company has been doing: By undertaking a project, the company, once commented on the relationship with the helps the company to develop on a new fast track in the
project again and said that this was the most beautiful company aimed to change prejudice, deepen friendship and company: "For the past six years, we have established a very Indonesian market, but also provides a relatively complete and
wharf they had ever seen. Hearing the heartfelt praise, Mr. spread the culture. This is their “Friendship Algorithm” . friendly and trusting cooperative relationship with CSCEC Port effective methods for domestic construction companies
Kong Xiangbo – the Project Manager then was very much 在宾坦岛项目负责工程车辆驾驶的Yudi是位地道的印尼 Group. We are good friends, and good friends should always “sailing overseas” It also serves as a promotion to the
touched. He still remembered his feeling when he worked 人,虽然他学历不高,刚到项目时还语言不通,但平时虚心好 grow together to achieve win-win cooperation.” development and upgrading of the “One Belt and One Road
in a project in the Philippines, a maintenance worker hold a 学,主动自我加压,从不抱怨苦累。工作四年来,他的汉语水平 千金易得,朋友难求。从现场施工员,当地律师事务所、 initiative” .
broken bolt and said to him “Look. This is made in China” . 在项目员工的帮助下突飞猛进,对其他机械设备的驾驶甚至 会计师事务所负责人,再到政府方代表、战略合作商,中建 (文/党建工作部 郑潇 翻译/海外公司 孟凡姣)
From being misunderstood and denied to being recognized 维修也都开始样样精通,早已成为融入项目团队中的 “机械 筑港的印尼朋友们已遍布各行各业。“海内存知己,天涯若比 Author: Zheng Xiao, Meng Fanjiao
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